Trinity City Comics
Trinity City Art's current project is Trinity City Comics, an afro-futurist comic series that follows three teen heroes through a future flooded New Orleans as they navigate issues of climate change, disability justice and community safety.
Trinty City is created by teams of teen and adult artists. Issue #1 was co-created with artists from YAYA. Issue #2 was created with writers from 826 NOLA.
We use Trinity City Comics in schools and community centers as a springboard for artivism: using art to fight for a more just and humane world. We host workshops that allow students to dive into the comic and the issues it explores, and Artivism Clubs that use the comic as a springboard to create their own artivist projects.
Featured collection
Trinity City Arts
Trinity City Arts is a volunteer-led learning community of Louisiana artists, educators, and activists who engage the public in thinking, reading, discussing and making public art about the future of their communities.