As we approach the 10th anniversaries of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita – a time when we all learned how important the Louisiana coast is as the first line of defense and a protective buffer from devastating storms – Restore the Mississippi River Delta Coalition and Dirty Coast are partnering to feature YOUR coastal restoration message on t-shirts, bags, posters and other snazzy products that will be sold in our shops and and online to help raise awareness and support for Louisiana coastal restoration. Proceeds of all products sold go to help the Restore the Mississippi River Delta Coalition.
We will pick the 3 best slogans and let you vote for the best. The first place slogan becomes a design we will use year round to help raise funds for restoration efforts. That person also receives a $200 gift card. Second place receives a $100 gift card and 3rd place a $50 gift card.
We are looking to positive, proactive messaging. Solutions exist. The coast can be restored and must be taken seriously for future generations:
Keep it positive: Our situation is grave, but we want to feature positive, proactive messages that convey that solutions are possible. Some questions to get your creative juices flowing:
What does the Louisiana coast mean to you?
Why is it important that the Louisiana coast be restored?
How would you explain coastal restoration to a kindergartener?
Why is it important that we act now to restore the coast?
Keep it simple: The message needs to be easily understood, engaging and memorable.
Keep it fun: In case you’re not familiar with our designs, See some of them here for inspiration.
What’s In It For You:
Prizes: We will supply you with free shirts so that you can bask in your creative genius. Other prizes to winners will be announced soon.
Glory: Your message will be proudly worn by coastal warriors around the country for generations to spread the message of coastal restoration.
Pride: You can tell your grandkids that you had a hand in the fight to save our coast.
What more reasons do you need? Now get to work unleashing your creative genius to save the coast! Submit your ideas here. We can’t wait to see the results.
Questions? Email
Louisiana continues to lose a football field of land every hour – wetlands that are crucial to protecting our communities from storm surge. Without action, we stand to lose another 1000 square miles by 2050. We want to engage people locally and nationally to understand just how important our coast is to the long-term resiliency of Southern Louisiana. That’s where YOU come in. We want to hear your ideas for slogans that the creative wizzes at Dirty Coast can use to create designs that they’ll place on products to educate people around the world about how badly we need our coast restored now.
More than a hundred years ago the Mississippi River spilled over its banks during spring floods with bed load (Mud), sand and suspended sediment flooding marshes of Louisiana creating natural marshes because the suspended sediment brought nutrients such as biomass, organic material, micro-organism, etc. Presently a greater part of Louisiana marshes will not receive these materials and will be nutrient starved unless suspended sediment transfer systems are commissioned. The Third delta Project would have brought suspended sediment to nutrition starved areas but for several reasons this diversion is not being considered for modeling in the 2017 projects list.
Because Mississippi River sand is not enough to sustain the Louisiana delta coast, new wetlands restoration projects are needed to perform marsh enhancement by pumping suspended sediments into nutrient starved south Louisiana marshes creating natural healthy marshes. A large diversion, Mid-Barataria, will have a 22 square mile (Equivalent to less than 5X5 miles) lobe of sand deposited west of the Mississippi River after the diversion is in operation for 20 years and this is a small fraction of Louisiana marshes. Also suspended sediments associated with the Mid-Barataria Diversion Influence area will only be located at the Mississippi River’s western side but much more is needed and new suspended sediment transporting projects will create natural marshes in the greater part of Louisiana marshes at relatively low cost. Presently many project-created marshes are formed by pumping bed load (Mud) and aren’t natural marshes because necessary nourishment will be absent.
Key enhancements of new projects are:
• Suspended sediments will flow to starved marshes about 3 times marsh area as shown by the Mid-Barataria Diversion influence area.
In summary natural marshes, from transporting suspended sediments, will have nurseries, plants, animals and seafood life as implied creating 3 times as much as compared to only the Mid-Barataria Diversion influences area. I have e mailed wetlands officials in charge of project approval with my ideas and received good responses how to present these ideas for approval or demonstration. It is costly to present an idea and I do not have the capability of technically or financially present an idea but give permission for anyone to present my ideas for approval, demonstration or project commission except not for financial gain. Please e mail me or for questions/ thoughts on my ideas at or Please comment on My Site:• Essential nutrients and microorganisms will be entrained in the pumped flow providing nutrition for creating natural marshes
• Sediment retention of the Mid-Barataria Diversion will be greatly increased because pumped flows to the starved areas will be trapped inside the marshes before entering the Gulf of Mexico minimizing loss of suspended sediments to the Gulf.
• Floating island located in nutrient starved areas will have suspended sediment for trapping and building land. Bed load created marshes will have suspended sediment for returning to a more healthy marsh.
• Pumping to west of Bayou Lafourche will greatly reduce the risk of elevated water levels east of the bayou and west of the bayou should have minimum effect when channels are dredged allowing sediment to flow into open water areas further west.
USA Water Projects Review & My Suggestions
Blake Haney
This next week we will share the top 3 for voting and then design a shirt with the best slogan.
When will the winners of the slogan contest be announced?
Robert rubin
“Save life save soil conservation "
Do it like the delta
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